Breed : Bull Snake (Albino) (U.S.A.)
Info : A bull snake is a subspecies of the gopher snake – it is one of the largest snakes of North America. The largest recorded bull snake reached a length of 8 feet 4 inches. Occurs in prairie, steppe and grasslands in the great plains of the mid western USA. They have an unusual diet of gophers, ground squirrels, lizards, ground nesting birds and birds eggs.
Benefits : Therapy snakes give a 3 dimensional therapy experience : From the initial anticipation, and understandable caution (like waiting in line for a rollercoaster), therapy clients find the movement of a snake both relaxing and exciting (like the ride !!) When stroking the snake, they find her relaxing. Watching a snake is really quite fascinating, and invites conversation between participants. Therapy with a snake is amazing for enhancing and increasing confidence and self esteem !